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What you won't be seeing here

To be perfectly clear, this is where I will drop in now and then to feature new work and occasionally comment on something I like. I won't be using it as a soapbox or to wash dirty laundry. My tongue is often my own worst enemy, and I don't need to waste time debating completely unimportant opinions.

Feel free to ask questions or make comments, but I can't promise to respond in a timely fashion, or at all, really. I'm trying to make a living, not meet lots of people to argue with. On the other hand, I am always glad to trade information and periodically ramble on about the past or present from my personal perspective.

The bottom line is that I need work, and these pages showcase what I am capable of delivering. I have been a professional artist and writer for a very long time, and would like to continue, so here I am. Tell me what you need, and let's make a deal.


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